The  Path  to  Wealth  Resources

Ep. 021 – W – Dr. Peter Kim – Home Buying Concierge for Physicians & Creator of Passive Income M.D.

By Eric Tait |

Learn Peter’s journey and why the changes in medicine led him to start his 2 businesses to protect his income and lifestyle. How Peter’s own home-buying process led him to start Curbside Real Estate to help other physicians through the home buying process. How he was able to buy his first home using a physician…

Ep. 020 – W – Be Like Warren Buffett, Own Your Own Insurance Company; Reduce Your Risk & Your Taxes

By Eric Tait |

Webinar (Register to View) Watch To Learn More About this Unique Program  Send Your Information Below ⇓   What do companies like Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, Nestle, and Sony Corp have in common?   Besides being synonymous with their respective industries as well as being multi-national corporations, they each use Captive Insurance as a way to…

Ep. 019 – W – How and Why to Buy Gold, Silver & Precious Metals; attending the New Orleans Investment Conference

By Eric Tait |

Click here for tickets to the Conference and Half off a subscription to Gold Newsletter. Click here for tickets to the Conference and Half off a subscription to Gold Newsletter. In this episode you learn:   Why going to investment conferences are an easy way to pack a ton of learning into a…