Ep. 034 – PD – Physician Philanthropy & Giving – How to set up Non-profits and Foundations – Elevate MeD

Dr. Alyx Porter-Umphrey – Neuro-oncologist – Elevate MED
We talk about how her scholarship to Spelman college really kicked off her interest in philanthropy as it allowed her to complete her undergraduate career without debt.
We learn how Dr. Porter-Umphrey’s experience in medical school led to her philanthropic pathway focused on changing the make-up of the physician workforce in the United States in order to eliminate health care disparities.
Learn how she created an endowed scholarship at her undergraduate alma mater and what that process entailed.
Elevate MeD – The Program themes are:
1) Scholarships
2) Mentorship
3) Financial Management/Education
4) Leadership Training
Learn the Process of creating an endowed scholarship at your Alma Mater.
Learn the process of setting up your 501c3 status on the State and Federal level.
Learn about who you need to have on your team to accelerate your mission.
What is a fundraising consultant and what can they do for you.
Why it is critical to have team members who also believe in the mission of your organization.
How to include your family and children in your philanthropic endeavors.
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